Where to buy a Karate Gi
There are many manufacturers and sellers of martial arts uniforms. My suggestion is 100% cotton uniform, because it absorbs moisture better and also feels good to train in. SKA manufactures its own karate uniforms and they can be purchased at www.ska.org, under the member's section. You will need SKA login and password to get in. SKA heavyweight gi costs $64. Lightweight gi costs $44. They came with SKA patch sewn in on the jacket. There is also $6 S&H charge.
I've been using www.kiintl.com for a long time and really enjoy their uniforms. The most balanced one - not too light or heavy, is the Mugen line of karate gi. It costs $49.50, plus $8.95 S&H.
When washing your uniform, I'd suggest doing so in cold water and air drying. This is to prevent shrinking.
-Alex Shurin
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There are many manufacturers and sellers of martial arts uniforms. My suggestion is 100% cotton uniform, because it absorbs moisture better and also feels good to train in. SKA manufactures its own karate uniforms and they can be purchased at www.ska.org, under the member's section. You will need SKA login and password to get in. SKA heavyweight gi costs $64. Lightweight gi costs $44. They came with SKA patch sewn in on the jacket. There is also $6 S&H charge.
I've been using www.kiintl.com for a long time and really enjoy their uniforms. The most balanced one - not too light or heavy, is the Mugen line of karate gi. It costs $49.50, plus $8.95 S&H.
When washing your uniform, I'd suggest doing so in cold water and air drying. This is to prevent shrinking.
-Alex Shurin
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